End of Key Stage 2 Results 2024, 6 children
Reading, 83.3% of children (5) met the required standard, 2 children met the higher level score.
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, 66.6% of children (4) met the required standard, 2 children met the higher score.
Writing, 66.6% of children (4) met the required standard. Within Writing it was possible to achieve a category of ‘Working at Greater Depth’. 1 of our children achieved ‘Greater Depth within writing’.
Maths, 83.3% of children (5) met the required standard, 2 children met the higher level score.
Average scaled score, Reading 107, Maths 105.8, SPAG 103.5
% of children achieving the expected Level in Reading, Writing and Maths= 66.6% ( 4 children out of 6)
National Averages 2024
School figures are well above National Average in Reading and Maths and slightly below in Writing and Spelling Punctuation and Grammar. However there were only 6 children in this year group so each child weights 16.6%.
Average progress in Reading, Writing and Maths
Reading, Plumbland CE School, +1.57, National *0
Writing, Plumbland CE School, +5.58, National *0
Maths, Plumbland CE sChool, +3.0, National *0
The calculation of Value Added nationally ensures that average progress is zero. Progress scores will be centred around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.
A score of 0 means pupils in the school, on average do about as well as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
A positive (+) score means pupils in the school on average do better at Key Stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
A negative score means pupils in the school on average , do worse at Key Stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment, nationally. A negative score does not mean that pupils did not make progress, rather it means they made less progress than other pupils nationally, with similar starting points.