Underpinning our formally taught curriculum we aim to develop the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of all children at Plumbland CE School. Through Collective Worship, assemblies, curriculum enrichment activities and linking with other schools we aim to ensure children become valuable members of their community and the wider global community. We are a ‘healthy school’ and through Science, P.E. PSHE and other areas of our curriculum we promote both physical and emotional well being.
'Sprituality is like a bridge between our being and our doing. And we need to attend to our being preferably before we move on to our doing,'
Anthony de Mello
At Plumbland CE School we explore beliefs and experiences, respect values, discover one self and the surrounding world and use imagination and creativity. As a school we believe that children need to arrive at their own personal spiritual understanding and we encourage this through all curriculum areas using the Windows (awareness) Mirrors (self-reflection) and Doors (response) approach.
Examples of spiritually enhancing activities at Plumbland CE School:
Recognise right and wrong, understand consequences, investigate moral and ethical issues, offer reasoned views.
We have an easy to understand behaviour agreement in school which is regularly shared with the children and displayed within the classrooms. The school council have devised playground rules, in which all children were consulted. We encourage children to reflect on right and wrong decisions. Through our assemblies and in lessons the children in our school consider both ‘real life’ and hypothetical dilemmas that face people in our world.
Use social skills in different contexts, work well with others, resolve conflicts, understand how communities work.
We encourage children of all ages to work together within our school. At playtimes our Year 5/6 Young Leaders facilitate games for the younger children, encouraging all year groups to play together. Year 6 buddies help new Reception children at lunchtimes. We have regular shared reading sessions where children from different age goups are paired together. We participate in regular activities with our cluster group of schools eg Beach schools, Art and DT days and sports events. This gives us the opportunity to socialise with children from different schools.
We appreciate cultural influences, participate in culture opportunities, understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
We encourage children to celebrate diversity within our own school community and beyond eg. Key stage 2 residential visit to York. As a school we actively participate in local events and traditions such as the Plumbland community festivals. We have regular stories and learn songs from other cultures. We have participated in theme days with our local cluster of schools, learning about each others communities as well as more wider communities and cultures within the world eg Africa, Pakistan days. We had a whole school visit to the Buddhist temple at Ulverston. We also had a whole school assembly on Chinese New Year delivered by Tian who now works on the Education team at Tullie House. Our Infant children enjoy their African drumming sessions with Zo Zo.
Underpinning our formally taught curriculum we aim to develop the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of all children at Plumbland CE School. Through Collective Worship, assemblies, curriculum enrichment activities and linking with other schools we aim to ensure children become valuable members of their community and the wider global community. We are a ‘healthy school’ and through Science, P.E. PSHE and other areas of our curriculum we promote both physical and emotional well being.
'Sprituality is like a bridge between our being and our doing. And we need to attend to our being preferably before we move on to our doing,'
Anthony de Mello
At Plumbland CE School we explore beliefs and experiences, respect values, discover one self and the surrounding world and use imagination and creativity. As a school we believe that children need to arrive at their own personal spiritual understanding and we encourage this through all curriculum areas using the Windows (awareness) Mirrors (self-reflection) and Doors (response) approach.
Examples of spiritually enhancing activities at Plumbland CE School:
Recognise right and wrong, understand consequences, investigate moral and ethical issues, offer reasoned views.
We have an easy to understand behaviour agreement in school which is regularly shared with the children and displayed within the classrooms. The school council have devised playground rules, in which all children were consulted. We encourage children to reflect on right and wrong decisions. Through our assemblies and in lessons the children in our school consider both ‘real life’ and hypothetical dilemmas that face people in our world.
Use social skills in different contexts, work well with others, resolve conflicts, understand how communities work.
We encourage children of all ages to work together within our school. At playtimes our Year 5/6 Young Leaders facilitate games for the younger children, encouraging all year groups to play together. Year 6 buddies help new Reception children at lunchtimes. We have regular shared reading sessions where children from different age goups are paired together. We participate in regular activities with our cluster group of schools eg Beach schools, Art and DT days and sports events. This gives us the opportunity to socialise with children from different schools.
We appreciate cultural influences, participate in culture opportunities, understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
We encourage children to celebrate diversity within our own school community and beyond eg. Key stage 2 residential visit to York. As a school we actively participate in local events and traditions such as the Plumbland community festivals. We have regular stories and learn songs from other cultures. We have participated in theme days with our local cluster of schools, learning about each others communities as well as more wider communities and cultures within the world eg Africa, Pakistan days. We had a whole school visit to the Buddhist temple at Ulverston. We also had a whole school assembly on Chinese New Year delivered by Tian who now works on the Education team at Tullie House. Our Infant children enjoy their African drumming sessions with Zo Zo.
Underpinning our formally taught curriculum we aim to develop the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of all children at Plumbland CE School. Through Collective Worship, assemblies, curriculum enrichment activities and linking with other schools we aim to ensure children become valuable members of their community and the wider global community. We are a ‘healthy school’ and through Science, P.E. PSHE and other areas of our curriculum we promote both physical and emotional well being.
'Sprituality is like a bridge between our being and our doing. And we need to attend to our being preferably before we move on to our doing,'
Anthony de Mello
At Plumbland CE School we explore beliefs and experiences, respect values, discover one self and the surrounding world and use imagination and creativity. As a school we believe that children need to arrive at their own personal spiritual understanding and we encourage this through all curriculum areas using the Windows (awareness) Mirrors (self-reflection) and Doors (response) approach.
Examples of spiritually enhancing activities at Plumbland CE School:
Recognise right and wrong, understand consequences, investigate moral and ethical issues, offer reasoned views.
We have an easy to understand behaviour agreement in school which is regularly shared with the children and displayed within the classrooms. The school council have devised playground rules, in which all children were consulted. We encourage children to reflect on right and wrong decisions. Through our assemblies and in lessons the children in our school consider both ‘real life’ and hypothetical dilemmas that face people in our world.
Use social skills in different contexts, work well with others, resolve conflicts, understand how communities work.
We encourage children of all ages to work together within our school. At playtimes our Year 5/6 Young Leaders facilitate games for the younger children, encouraging all year groups to play together. Year 6 buddies help new Reception children at lunchtimes. We have regular shared reading sessions where children from different age goups are paired together. We participate in regular activities with our cluster group of schools eg Beach schools, Art and DT days and sports events. This gives us the opportunity to socialise with children from different schools.
We appreciate cultural influences, participate in culture opportunities, understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
We encourage children to celebrate diversity within our own school community and beyond eg. Key stage 2 residential visit to York. As a school we actively participate in local events and traditions such as the Plumbland community festivals. We have regular stories and learn songs from other cultures. We have participated in theme days with our local cluster of schools, learning about each others communities as well as more wider communities and cultures within the world eg Africa, Pakistan days. We had a whole school visit to the Buddhist temple at Ulverston. We also had a whole school assembly on Chinese New Year delivered by Tian who now works on the Education team at Tullie House. Our Infant children enjoy their African drumming sessions with Zo Zo.