Science-2023.doc .doc
Science-Assessment-KS1.docx .docx
Science-Assessments-Year-3-and-4.docx .docx
Science-Assessments-Year-5-and-6.docx .docx
Science-scheme-of-work-KS1-1.docx .docx
Science-Scheme-of-work-KS2-3.doc .doc
Science-statement-3.docx .docx

Key Stage 1

Our topic for the Spring term is 'Everyday materials' and we will identify, name and describe the properties of different materials We will also compare and group together everyday materials Year 2 children will find out about people such as John Dunlop, Charles Macintosh and John McAdam who have developed new materials 

For the second half of the term our topic is 'Plants' and we will explore where food comes from and identify and name food provided by plants. We will also learn about the different parts of plants that provide food.


Key Stage 2

Our topic for the Spring Term is ‘Light and Sound.'

Year 3 and 4

We will understand that we need light in order to see things and that darkness is the absence of light. We will also learn that light is reflected from surfaces and that light from the sun can be dangerous. We will recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked and we will find patterns in the way the size of shadows change.

In our topic on Sound we will identify how sounds are made and learn about vibrations, pitch and volume. We will set up a Sound experiment using our skills of investigating.

Year 5 and 6

We will recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines and investigate prisms and periscopes. We will learn how objects are seen by the eye and learn about light sources and shadows.

We will plan an experiment on Sound including recognising and controlling variables, taking measurements and recording data. We will then evaluate our results and carry out research to support our findings.
