End of Key Stage 2 Results 2022, 7 children

Reading, 85.7% of children (6) met the required standard, 4 children met the higher level score.

Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, 85.7% of children (6) met the required standard, 2 children met the higher score.

Writing, 85.7% of children (6) met the required standard. Within Writing it was possible to achieve a category of ‘Working at Greater Depth’. 3 of our children achieved ‘Greater Depth within writing’.

Maths, 85.7% of children (6) met the required standard, 1 child met the higher level score.

Average scaled score, Reading 109.8,    Maths 104.3,    SPAG 108.5

% of children achieving the expected Level in Reading, Writing and Maths=  85.7% ( 6 children out of 7)


National Averages 2022

  • Reading- 74% of children met the required standard.
  • Spelling Punctuation and Grammar-72% of children met the required standard.
  • Writing-69% of children met the required standard.
  • Maths- 71% of children met the required standard.
  • Children achieving Reading, Writing, Maths- 65%.


School figures are well above National Average in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Maths, Reading and Writing.


Average progress in Reading, Writing and Maths

Reading, Plumbland CE School, +1.57, National *0

Writing, Plumbland CE School, +5.58, National *0

Maths, Plumbland CE sChool, +3.0, National *0


The calculation of Value Added nationally ensures that average progress is zero. Progress scores will be centred around 0, with most schools within the range of -5 to +5.

A score of 0 means pupils in the school, on average do about as well as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

A positive (+) score means pupils in the school on average do better at Key Stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.

A negative score means pupils in the school on average , do worse at Key Stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment, nationally. A negative score does not mean that pupils did not make progress, rather it means they made less progress than other pupils nationally, with similar starting points.
